Spa Remedy - "Best Day Spa"

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CBD Infused Massage Therapy


When people think of CBD, they imagine marijuana which is not the case. Our CBD is taken from the hemp plant and is a 99% pure CBD isolate meaning no THC, and is mixed with coconut oil. The CBD infused massage entails long rhythmic strokes along the muscles with CBD and essential oils. The additional oils will be added by the massage therapist to cater to your specific needs throughout the massage.


There are numerous benefits to the CBD infused massage. These include: reduction in inflammation in the joints, decrease in pain, stress, increase in blood flow and circulation throughout the body. Also, the healing properties in CBD allow for it to assist the body in accelerating the recovery time from injuries. The CBD used in this massage was extracted from a hemp plant therefore the CBD will not trigger a positive drug test because it has no THC.